
Charles whitman shooter
Charles whitman shooter

charles whitman shooter

But we should acknowledge the capacity that some people have to do evil things. Looking Back: 50 Years After the UT Tower Shooting July 26 - November 20, 2016. Merely saying someone is “evil” seems utterly unenlightened and inexact, and it doesn’t provide much closure. In both cases, we want to believe there is an explanation for this kind of cruelty. The Las Vegas shooter, from an even higher vantage point, sprayed rounds from an automatic weapon into a crowd of thousands of concertgoers and could hardly have missed hitting many. He was aware of how he would go down in history as quite a marksman, and he seemed determined to demonstrate that. For most, he looked at them before he gunned them down. (AP) Piecing together the grim tale of blood and. Unlike the Las Vegas shooter, the tower sniper selected his victims – one at a time. A victim of sniper Charles Whitman is placed into a waiting ambulance during the shooting spree at the University of Texas in Austin, Aug. In the end, the shooting only stopped when the shooters were killed, or in the case of Las Vegas, when the shooter killed himself. Though pop culture had elevated Charles Whitman to near-mythic status in the intervening decades through both film and musicHarry Chapin’s 1972 song Sniper cast him as a misunderstood antiherothe tragedy itself had received scant attention, save for the obligatory anniversary stories that ran in Texas newspapers. They did not appear to know any of the individuals they were killing below, and their only real concern was the murder of as many people as possible. What transformed this 25-year-old Eagle Scout and Marine into one of modern America’s first and deadliest school shooters His autopsy suggests one troubling explanation: Charles Whitman had a. Both shooters shot from elevated positions to inflict maximum casualties.

charles whitman shooter

It is easy to draw parallels between the incidents in Austin in 1966 and Las Vegas in 2017.

Charles whitman shooter